ECOM6013 Topic 5 Mobile Commerce

Autor: pseudoyu | 319 Wörter, 2 Minuten | Kommentare | 2020-09-21 | Kategorie: Develop

e-commerce, ecom6013, hku

Übersetzungen: ZH, EN

ECOM6013 E-Commerce Technologies

Topic 5 Mobile Commerce

Basic Principle of Mobile Technology

  • FDMA (Frequency Division Multiple Access)
  • TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access)
  • CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access)

Fundamental Mobility: Cellphones


Cell Handover


4G vs. 5G

  • 4G
    • 10 ms
    • 100 Thousand Connections / km^2
    • 1 Gbps
  • 5G
    • < 1ms
    • 1 Million Connections / km^2
    • 20 Gbps

E-Commerce vs. M-Commerce

  • E-Commerce
    • Device: PC
    • Network: Internet (HTTP)
  • M-Commerce
    • Device: Mobile devices
    • Network
      • Mobile carrier network
      • WiFi
      • Local frequency (RFID/NFC)

Definition of M-Commerce

  • Buying and Selling via mobile devices
  • Paying via mobile devices
  • Use of any technologies to support the above

Mobile Devices

  • Devices
    • Mobile phone/smart phone
    • Tablet computer
    • Wearable technology
  • Usages
    • Transact
    • Communicate
    • Entertain

Roles in M-Commerce

  • Users
    • End users/system users
    • Suppliers
  • Network operators (offer transport facility and network infrastructure)
  • Service providers (develop new devices)
  • Content providers (aggregate contents)
  • Commerce mediators (provide solutions and services)
  • Finance organizations (provide framework and infrasture for payment)
  • Mobile device (interacting with all roles)

M-Commerce Services and Applications

  • Sevices
    • Mobile ticketing
    • Mobile money transfer
    • Conetent purchase and delivery
    • Information services
    • Mobile banking
    • Mobile browsing
    • Mobile purchase
    • Mobile marketing and advertising
  • Applications
    • Entertainment
      • Music
      • Games
      • graphics
      • Video
    • Communications
      • Short messaging
      • Multi-media messaging
      • Unified messaging
      • E-mail
      • Social
      • Video conferencing
    • Transactions
      • Banking
      • Broking
      • Shopping
      • Auctions
      • Betting
      • Booking & reservations
      • Mobile wallet
      • Mobile purse
    • Information
      • News
      • City guides
      • Directory services
      • Maps
      • Traffic and weather
      • Corporate information
      • Market data

PTDs (Personal Trusted Devices)

  • Location and orientation
  • Multiple types of networking (NFC/Bluetooth)
  • Accelerometers
  • Camera

QR Code (Quick Response Code)

  • Originally designed as a two-dimensional barcode (not for mobile)
  • Standardized (ISO/IEC 18004:2006)
  • Oatented (but free license)

Other Enabling Technologies

  • GPS
    • Widely available on most devices
    • Geo-loctaion and geo-fencing
    • Doesn’t work inside buildings
    • High battery consumption
    • Great accuracy
    • Low cost
    • Not support on all devices
    • 20cm range
    • High battery consumption


  • Mobile device power
    • GPS/network calls cost hign power
  • Privacy
    • Continuous tracking
  • Network
    • Bandwidth
    • Congestion
    • Processing speed

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Backend- & Smart-Contract-Entwickler, MSc-Absolvent in ECIC (Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing) an der Universität Hongkong (HKU). Lerne und entwickle gerne Neues. Folge mir auf GitHub
