Implementing Two-Phase Commit in Solidity Smart Contracts Using State Locks

Author: pseudoyu | 1057 words, 3 minutes | comments | 2022-07-01 | Category: Develop

blockchain, ethereum, smart contract, solidity, web3

Translations: ZH, DE

《后来的我们 - 五月天》


In smart contract applications involving interactions between multiple systems or contracts, particularly in businesses where asset or data accuracy is sensitive, we need to ensure data atomicity throughout the entire business process. Therefore, we need to implement a mechanism similar to multi-phase commit at the contract level, which decomposes the state change process in the contract into two phases: pre-commit and formal commit.

This article implements a minimalistic two-phase commit model using a state lock mechanism. The complete contract code can be found at TwoPhaseCommit.sol. The following will explain the core logic of this contract and strive to follow style guidelines and best practices.

Note: This contract was primarily designed for business use in consortium chains and has not been specifically optimized for gas fees. It is intended for learning purposes only.

Contract Logic

Contract Structure

The two-phase commit scenario includes the following methods:

  1. set: Two-phase - Pre-commit
  2. commit: Two-phase - Formal commit
  3. rollback: Two-phase - Rollback

Due to Solidity language limitations on string length judgment and comparison, to enhance the readability of the contract code, this contract provides some auxiliary methods, mainly including:

  1. isValidKey: Check if the key is valid
  2. isValidValue: Check if the value is valid
  3. isEqualString: Compare if two strings are equal

Two-Phase Commit Core Logic

In the two-phase commit scenario, this contract provides a simple set of set, commit, and rollback methods to store key-value pairs passed in contract calls on the chain. We use a state lock mechanism to achieve atomicity of cross-chain transactions. We define the following data structures:

enum State {

struct Payload {
    State state;
    string value;
    string lockValue;

Here, State is an enumeration type that records the lock status of the key on the chain, while the Payload structure stores the lock status, current value, and the value being locked. It is bound to the key through the following mapping structure:

mapping (string => Payload) keyToPayload;

Thus, we can track the state of each key in the contract call based on keyToPayload, and check the state of the key in the following set, commit, and rollback methods for exception handling.


In the set() method, we check the state of the key. If it is State.LOCKED, storage will not be performed and an exception will be thrown:

if (keyToPayload[_key].state == State.LOCKED) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsLocked();

If it is State.UNLOCKED, the value passed in the contract call will be stored in lockValue, and its state will be set to LOCKED, waiting for subsequent commit or rollback to unlock.

keyToPayload[_key].state = State.LOCKED;
keyToPayload[_key].lockValue = _value;


In the commit() method, we check the state of the key. If it is State.UNLOCKED, no operation will be performed on this key and an exception will be thrown:

if (keyToPayload[_key].state == State.UNLOCKED) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsNotLocked();

If it is State.LOCKED, we check if the value passed in the contract call is equal to lockValue. If not equal, an exception is thrown:

if (!isEqualString(keyToPayload[_key].lockValue, _value)) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsInconsistent();

If the values are equal, the value corresponding to this key will be stored on the chain, the state of the key will be set to UNLOCKED, the current value value will be updated, and lockValue will be emptied:

store[_key] = _value;
keyToPayload[_key].state = State.UNLOCKED;
keyToPayload[_key].value = _value;
keyToPayload[_key].lockValue = "";


In the rollback() method, we check the state of the key. If it is State.UNLOCKED, no operation will be performed on this key and an exception will be thrown:

if (keyToPayload[_key].state == State.UNLOCKED) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsNotLocked();

If it is State.LOCKED, we check if the value passed in the contract call is equal to lockValue. If not equal, an exception is thrown:

if (!isEqualString(keyToPayload[_key].lockValue, _value)) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsInconsistent();

If the values are equal, the state of the key will be set to UNLOCKED, and lockValue will be emptied:

keyToPayload[_key].state = State.UNLOCKED;
keyToPayload[_key].lockValue = "";

Error Handling Logic

In contract execution exception scenarios, we throw errors and perform rollbacks. To better improve the readability of error messages and facilitate error capture and handling by upper-layer application personnel, we adopted the error type definition approach, defining various exception scenarios. Since I have already included most of the information in the error naming, no additional parameter values for error types have been defined, which can be customized according to requirements.

error TwoPhaseCommit__DataKeyIsNull();
error TwoPhaseCommit__DataValueIsNull();
error TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsNotExist();
error TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsLocked();
error TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsNotLocked();
error TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsInconsistent();

In specific contract logic, we throw exceptions using the revert method, such as:

if (!isValidKey(bytes(_key))) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataKeyIsNull();

if (!isValidValue(bytes(_value))) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataValueIsNull();

if (keyToPayload[_key].state == State.UNLOCKED) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsNotLocked();

if (!isEqualString(keyToPayload[_key].lockValue, _value)) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsInconsistent();

Generic Parameter Validation

We perform some validity checks on input parameters. To provide extensibility, we use the isValidKey() and isValidValue() methods to independently validate keys and values:

 * @notice Data key format validation
 * @param _key Data - Key
function isValidKey(bytes memory _key) private pure returns (bool)
    bytes memory key = _key;

    if (key.length == 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

 * @notice Data value format validation
 * @param _value Data - Value
function isValidValue(bytes memory _value) private pure returns (bool)
    bytes memory value = _value;

    if (value.length == 0) {
        return false;
    return true;

This contract only performs non-null checks. You can customize business logic according to business needs and call it where validation is needed, such as:

if (!isValidKey(bytes(_key))) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataKeyIsNull();

if (!isValidValue(bytes(_value))) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataValueIsNull();

if (!isValidValue(bytes(store[_key]))) {
    revert TwoPhaseCommit__DataIsNotExist();

Event Mechanism

Additionally, we defined events corresponding to core methods and set indexed for events to facilitate monitoring and processing by upper-layer applications.

event setEvent(string indexed key, string indexed value);
event getEvent(string indexed key, string indexed value);
event commitEvent(string indexed key, string indexed value);
event rollbackEvent(string indexed key, string indexed value);

Events are emitted in contract methods using the emit() method, such as:

emit setEvent(_key, _value);
emit getEvent(_key, _value);
emit commitEvent(_key, _value);
emit rollbackEvent(_key, _value);


The above is a best practice for my two-phase commit contract. For basic Solidity syntax, please refer to “Solidity Smart Contract Development - Basics”. I will continue to practice and explain more contract scenarios in the future, so stay tuned.


  1. TwoPhaseCommit.sol Contract Source Code
  2. Solidity Smart Contract Development - Basics
  3. Solidity Official Documentation

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Backend & Smart Contract Developer, MSc Graduate in ECIC(Electronic Commerce and Internet Computing) @ The University of Hong Kong (HKU). Love to learn and build things. Follow me on GitHub
