ECOM6013 E-Commerce Technologies #
Topic 1 Introduction to E-Commerce Technology #
Discussion Topic #1: Puma Goes Omni
- What is the purpose of Puma’s content management systems?
- Why did Puma build a single centralized website rather than continue with multiple websites serving different countries and regions? [choosen]
- What social media sites does Puma use, and what do they contribute to Puma’s marketing effort?
Case Study
Alibaba Singles’ Day 2019
Core E-Commerce Technologies #
- Introduction to E-Commerce Technology
- Internet and E-Commerce Infrasture
- E-Commerce Presence and Development Life Circle
- Web Design, Implementation and Testing
- Introduction to Mobile Commerce
- Internet and E-Commerce Commerce
- Electronic Payment Systems
- Cybercurrency, Bitcoin and Blockchain
- Emerging Technology & Cloud Computing and IoT
- Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and E-Commerce Trends
E-Commerce and Data Science
E-Commerce is largely an exercise in understanding the clients - their capabilities, desires, etc.
Traditional Commerce
- Passive consumer
- Sales-force driven
- Fixed prices
- Information asymmetry
What Is E-Business?
Digital enablement of transactions and processes within a firm, involving information systems under firm’s control. (Does not include commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries.)
What Is E-Commerce?
- Simple: Use of Internet and/or Web to transact business. (Or any networked commerce activity)
- Formal: Digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals.
Types of E-Commerce
By market relationship
- C2C / B2C / G2C
- C2B / B2B / G2B
- C2G / B2G / G2G
By technology used
- P2P(Peer-to-Peer)
- M-Commerce(Mobile Commerce)
- O2O(Online-to-Offline)
Importance of E-Commerce
- Different, more powerful than previous technologies
- Bringing fundamental changes to commerce
Features of current E-Commerce Technologies
- Ubiquity (everywhere)
- Global reach
- Universal standards
- Information richness
- Interactivity
- Information density
- Personalization/customization
- Social technology
Current E-Commerce Trends
- New business models based on social technologies, consumer-generated content, and services (negative impacts of social media)
- Broadband and wireless, 5G
- Mobile E-Commerce is booming
- Traditional media losing subscribers
- E-Commerce has traditionally been early adopters(and influencers) of new technologies, iPhone changed the smartphone industy
- Local-based, AR, AI, VR…
- All forms of E-Commerce show very strong growth and Covid-19 amplifies this
Limitations on the Growth of B2C E-Commerce
- Expensive technology
- Sophisticated skill set
- Experiences of traditional markets
- Inequality limiting access to telephones and computers
- Saturation and ceiling effects
- De-Globalization and trade war
Predictions/Questions/Challenges for the Future
- Technology will propagate through all commercial activity
- Price will rise
- E-Commerce margins and profits will rise
- Traditional giants will play dominant roles but new startup ventures will emerge new products, services
- Pure online stores < Integrated offline/online stores
- Growth of regulatory activity worldwide
- Influence of cost of energy
Organizing Themes
- Technology: Development and mastery of digital computing and communications technology
- Business: New technologies present businesses with new ways of organizing procuction and transacting business
- Society: Intellectual property, individual privacy, public welfare policy
Academic Displines Concerned with E-Commerce
Technical Approach
- Computer science
- Management science
- Information systems
- Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Behavioral Approach
- Information systems
- Economics
- Marketing
- Management
- Finance/accounting
- Sociology